I’m a photojournalist and professional photographer based in the Chapel Hill/Carborro area, studying at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I have over four years of photography experience, the majority of it in the candid and event landscape.

My journey started the summer before my freshman year of high school when I was placed into a Basics of Photography class during the year of the pandemic by total coincidence. At the time I had no aspiration to be a photographer, much less understood how to even use a camera. Little did I know that that class would ignite a lifelong passion, and motivate me to continue improving my craft, teaching myself new techniques, concepts, and ideas—and implementing them into my work. 

Since then, over the last three years I’ve received multiple high-placing awards for my work in photojournalism and design from the North Carolina Scholastic Media Association, based out of UNC-Chapel Hill’s Hussman School of Journalism and Media, and led West Johnston High School to garner its first yearbook Tar Heel award in over twelve years as Editor-in-Chief.

I firmly believe that photography is meant to convey our stories and help us embrace the different ideas, thoughts, expressions, and personalities that surround us daily. Our moments and memories are meant to be shared, and every second of every day, I strive to help bring them to life.

Hey. I’m Connor 👋